星际娱乐app’s Diabetes Prevention Program photo

星际娱乐app’s Diabetes Prevention Program

The 星际娱乐app Wellness Center has partnered with the dietary department to introduce a free CDC-endorsed Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). The DPP Program is a comprehensive lifestyle program that has been clinically proven to reduce a patient’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by as much as 50%.

Dates: October 1st through December 10th, 2019 (classes meet weekly)

Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the Harbor Room at 135 Medical Center Drive, Bay City, Texas 77414

Location: 星际娱乐app Wellness & Rehabilitation Center (The Dome) Harbor Room

A physician referral is required in order to participate, so ask your doctor if you meet the criteria for a referral:

  • Age >18 years AND
  • Most recent BMI > 24 (>22 if Asian) AND
  • A positive lab test result within previous 12 months indicating:
    • HbA1c   5.7-6.4%  OR
    • FPG    100-125 mg/dL    OR
    • OGTT  140-199 mg/dL   OR
  • History of gestational diabetes
  • No current diagnosis of diabetes and no current use of insulin

Medical professionals and referred patients who would like to know more about the Diabetes Prevention Program should contact the Dietary Department at (979) 241-5566 or the Wellness Center at (979) 241-5700.

Could you have prediabetes? Take the test on the CDC website by clicking here.

This update was generated by 星际娱乐app’s Public & Media Relations Team based on information shared by our employees, community members, and/or partners. If you have any questions or comments, or if you believe that the information displayed here is incorrect in whole or in part, contact the Public & Media Relations Team directly by clicking here.